Goodness Weekly 01.08.24

“The reality is that ambition is helpful, up to a point. Then it is a combination of patience and ambition which will truly help you succeed.”
- Scott Miker

What’s Good

From cozy cups at the coffee trailer, to the smiling students in Sprouts School, we are glad to be back on our beautiful campus for a new year filled with possibilities. We enjoyed time off to rest and reflect, but carry joy throughout the halls to be back together working towards goodness in our community.

A Message from Mae

Mae Czarnecki, Sunset Ridge Collective Communications Coordinator

In years past, I have been a relentless, and successful New Year’s Resolution-ary.
Except for all the years I wasn’t. The years that I fell short a few pounds, spent the savings on emergencies, or caved to my caffeine craving by January 4th, were typically years marked by burn out, flamed by impatience. (Aside from the coffee, sheer desire usually drives that train.)

As those who know me well can attest, I am ambitious, sometimes to a fault. I’ve seen the good that goal setting can do, but have matured to realize that I have the power to force progress whether or not it’s appropriate. This has caused the cracking of Ikea furniture, the breaking of friendships, and the death by drowning that comes with overwatering a few houseplants. My ability to see the full potential of a project or person is beautiful, as can be my diligence in encouraging growth. But it has often been matched by moving too quickly, nagging, and even giving up before completion.

The start of a new calendar year is marked for many by newness. Shimmering lights and glitter, even fireworks, in the darkness of winter, sometimes make us forget that this is the time that Mother Nature rests. She has taken off last year’s growth, laying down a cozy bed around her roots. She braces herself for chilling days, and soaks up every stray ray that peaks through the clouds. She protects the new growth that has germinated under the surface, and waits for the rains and warmth of spring before she debuts her newness.

If silent work in the darkness of the remaining cold season is calling you, let it be enough. Blooms will come in spring.

Around Our Community

Welcome, Graceful Etiquette
Our community continues to grow here at Sunset Ridge. Designed for 6th - 11th grade young people, these etiquette courses are an introduction to dining and table etiquette,

public speaking, and developing confidence in social skills. Also covered are social media safety, phone and email etiquette, attire and self-presentation. Classes will be held on our campus on Sundays. For more information, please contact Ms. Grace Uwizeye-Allen, Certified Children’s Etiquette Consultant.

Kelly Alba's father, Jim Derickson, passed away on January 4th. Please keep the Alba, Lowry and Derickson families in your heart.

This Week

Saturday, Jan 13th Second Saturday

  • 9 am Yoga

  • 10 am Storytime

Sunday, Jan 14th 

  • 4:30pm Chapel Worship

  • 6-7pm Every Season Sacred Book Club (open to all parents of school aged children, dinner & childcare provided)

  • 6-7pm Youth Group

Coming Up…

Saturday, Jan 21st Outdoor Worship


May my ambitions


Be matched by patience

Subscribe to Sunset Ridge Collective on YouTube. We will be hosting our umbrella of work all in one place and would love to see you there.


Goodness Weekly 01.15.24


Goodness Weekly 12.18.23